5 Things To Avoid On Your Menstrual Cycle
Korean Acupuncture is all about properly adjusting to the changes your body goes through. During this time of the month, your body can be overwhelmed with painful cramps. Additionally, it can get pretty tricky when your cravings are strongest for your favorite takeout or sweets. It is a common saying that when a woman is on her monthly, it is time to give in to those cravings with zero guilt. Although there is nothing wrong with giving in from time to time, it is important to know if these types of cravings can lead to foods that can make your period cramps much worse.
Reach Out to Our Clinic Today!
Korean acupuncture is very flexible, making it ideal for your specific symptoms and needs, especially when it comes to the food you eat, including feminine health. Herbal medicine is available for a more natural approach to painful menstrual cycles. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Son to discuss options for your treatment.