Frequent Stomach Aches

The acupuncture and herbal medicine worked so quickly. Not only did they make my dad feel better (no more pain) but it actually healed his stomach


What kind of treatment did you receive?

My dad received treatment for his stomach : Acupuncture and herbal medicine. He was having frequent stomach aches every time he ate. He also had internal bleeding in the stomach.



What physical effects or results did you experience from your treatment?

Approximately 1-2 weeks after my dad received acupuncture and herbal medicine, his stomach aches went away. He can now eat without any pain. Approximately 4-5 weeks after treatment he had no more internal bleeding. His stomach was completely healed and looked so much healthier. His regular Gastroenterologist (G.I.) doctor was absolutely amazed when he saw the “before” and “after” pictures of the inside of his stomach. He said he couldn’t believe how well his stomach had healed.

The acupuncture and herbal medicine worked so quickly. Not only did they make my dad feel better (no more pain) but it actually healed his stomach. We were also amazed at how clean and healthy his stomach looked.

We are extremely grateful to Dr. Kang Son and Medihand Acupuncture Clinic. We highly recommend them.


Marco Chavez

Date 05/ 18/ 2013


Stomach Problems